Matrix Leadership Series

Gold Medal Teams:
Highly Collaborative, Innovative, Adaptive & Sustainable
Matrix Leadership Networks™

With Amina Knowlan & Jody Gold

In this 6-session leadership course you will learn and practice the core Matrix communication and leadership skills that produce evolutionary high functioning teams.

The most effective, creative and innovative teams thrive when solutions and strategy emerge from the synergistic interaction of all team members and stakeholders.

Every individual becomes an essential leader. Collective intelligence is far greater than the capacity of lone experts in isolated, competitive silos. The capacity to function as interconnected adaptive networks is crucial to success and sustainability.

Session Topics & Skills:

  1. Form Evolutionary Teams
    • Develop Peer-to-Peer Communication à a relational infrastructure
      • Heighten engagement, connection and alignment
    • Generate a Ground of Trust and Resilience à the foundation of high-performing teams
      • Cultivate mutuality and flexibility needed to thrive in today’s fast-paced, chaotic work environments
    • Attend to the “Whole” team à the groundwork for evolutionary collective intelligence
      • Accelerate inclusion, value and shared responsibility
  2. Create a High Feedback Culture (Part 1)
    • Invest in Appreciative Feedback à the key to supporting motivation and change
      • Enhance strengths, growth and optimism
    • Maintain & Leverage Healthy Working Relationship à the cornerstone of longevity and sustainability
      • Increase effectiveness, transparency and cooperation
  3. Utilize Differences and Diversity as Essential Resources
    • Engage with Differences à the heart of cutting-edge creativity and innovation
      • Generate aliveness, respect and fully informed decisions
  4. Create a High Feedback Culture (Part 2)
    • Utilize differentiating feedback and asking for feedback à the foundation for learning (individual, interpersonal and team)
      • Improve performance and results by amplifying data, awareness and change
  5. Develop Flexible, Distributed Leadership
    • Identify and differentiate from limiting roles, perspectives, patterns and dynamics a the road to sustainable growth
      • Enhance collaboration, innovation and capacity
  6. Transform Conflict into a Matrix Group Dialogue™
    • Structure multi-perspective, multi-stakeholder dialogues à the frontier of emergent collective team leadership
      • Generate smart decisions, goals and strategies while optimizing engagement, ownership and motivation


$570 for all six sessions
*A $100 deposit is required to reserve your place. Early registration is advised as enrollment is limited.

*Returning graduates of our Matrix Leadership Comprehensive and Facilitator trainings are eligible for a discount of $150 if requested.

*We are dedicated to making this work accessible to those who are passionate about new models of leadership that move beyond separateness and hierarchy to create an interconnected and equitable world. We offer some tuition assistance and work-study opportunities for those living with more limited financial resources, by application.

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This training is having a tremendous impact in my life through the way I relate to myself, through my connections with family, friends & colleagues, and through the way I participate in groups.
— Ling Thio
Sunnyvale, CA