Matrix Leadership Scholarship Fund

In our world, divide and conquer must become define and empower. ~ It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.

-- Audre Lorde

Dear Matrix Friends,

When you walk into any Matrix Leadership event, your deepest learning and inspiration will come in part from the convergence of people who are different from you. A training group could include a young musician, a 75-year old retired school teacher, a marketing director of a large communications firm, a Ghanaian nutritionist, a young Latina executive, a gay rights activist, a white male senior vice president, a womens' high school basketball coach, and an environmental leadership student. Of the 9 people, about half of them may have received full or partial scholarships to support their participation in Matrix Leadership training.

We are deeply committed to providing this training to all who seek to co-create an interconnected, sustainable world. Help us provide Scholarships for Young Leaders, Mentors, Elders & Global Citizens for Matrix Leadership Training.

Click on and follow the instructions.

Training in Matrix Leadership makes a difference!

Scholarships ensure that our training groups include diverse participants from unique backgrounds, professions, countries and communities. The principles and practices of Matrix Leadership can be utilized throughout their careers, family and community lives. We use scholarship donations to fulfill our mission and maintain financial viability while reaching out to people of varying resources.

Participants in Matrix Leadership trainings:

  • Learn cutting edge communication tools that create highly collaborative and sustainable teams and communities
  • Redefine their concept of leadership from one that resides in an individual leader, to a synergistic process that emerges through the interaction of all members
  • Make conflict an obsolete concept by transforming it into a paradigm-shifting, multi-stakeholder process of differentiation--a Matrix Group Dialogue™
  • Enthusiastically report experiencing a true shift in consciousness: from conceiving of themselves as separate islands of me to realizing a profound level of functional interconnection
  • Have a direct experience of heart awakening--together!

Typical scholarship recipients and impact of your dollars:

  • $265 provides a scholarship for a college student leader to attend the Matrix Experience introductory workshop to inform his vision of leading wilderness education programs for addicted and at risk youth
  • $525 provides a 50% scholarship for a nurse working to coordinate healthcare for underserved urban populations to attend the 2-phase, 8-day Matrix Essentials training
  • $1190 supports a high school teacher--creating a Matrix-based social-emotional curriculum for diverse students to communicate across racial and class barriers--to attend, a 2 phase, 8 day Matrix Essentials training
  • $2450 makes it possible for an inspired young, social entrepreneur to attend our 4 phase, 17 day Matrix Comprehensive training to collaborate with others who are committed to transforming business

Criteria and Commitment

All scholarships applicants submit a proposal detailing the ways in which they envision utilizing Matrix skills to impact their community, organization or the world. Our application screening process includes both need-basis and performance-potential criteria. Matrix Leadership Institute will engage in post-training mentoring with scholarship recipients to help achieve and document these intentions. Our criteria typically provide partial subsidy for:

  • Young leaders & students from diverse backgrounds
  • International students and leaders
  • Individuals working in nonprofits, government, and those new to the workforce
  • Single parents and parents returning to work
  • Elders and seniors with critical experience and wisdom

If you would like to support the development of a specific non-profit program, e.g. training social workers to bring Matrix into families or developing a mentor program for at-risk youth, we would be happy to explore partnering to apply Matrix Leadership in specific contexts.

Any donation amount is welcome and will go toward a scholarship for a Matrix program. If you can give $10 or $20 per month, you will play a significant part in shifting consciousness to interconnection. It is money that will be returned to the world many-fold.

Making a donation is easy and tax-deductible.

Click on and follow the instructions.

WE THANK YOU, our FUTURE LEADERS thank you, and most of all the WORLD will be a better place with more CONSCIOUS LEADERS  and members of our human community working in LIVING SYSTEMS creating SUSTAINABLE ORGANIZATIONS.



Amina Knowlan, M.S.
Founder & Director

On behalf of Matrix Leadership Institute

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To me, MLI is a wonderful learning process for business and community leadership development. It opens a person up, increases one's personal choices, creates flexibility for responding. One develops emotional intelligence and becomes more resourceful in all types of settings. It is the stuff MBA programs never touch.
— Dieter A.
Evanston, IL